Lyric discussion by MissKristiK 

lolsydneyy...Bingo! I am totally with you.

If you look up the meaning of what the third eye is, then you know what the name Third Eye Blind means as well.

In Genesis 6, the Nephilim are spoken of, and how they procreated with the "daughters of man" on the times when they were on earth. The Ancient Sumerian texts have more records of creating "Edama" in their image using surrogate mothers with the cross breeding between their kind and the Genus Species that is known to us today as "Homo Erectus". Then they took off in their flying "Shems" and have actual artistic murals of things that look like space ships. Zecharia Sitchin may not be correct on every translation for Sumerian Sanskrit, but I believe he is spot on for most of it. It's all starting to come out on discovery channel and history channel around Christmas time about how the Angels may have been extraterrestrials...also that these angels and "God" spoke directly to mankind, and God says "man has become like one us" in genesis 4 (I think). It's all there in the old testament. I have been reading on this stuff since I was 19 and I am about to be 31 in a few 12 years. Been reading on this stuff for a long time. The books Holy Blood Holy Grail and the Messianic Legacy, have had one line here and there mentioning things relating to those Sumerian gods and biblical ties with them as well as their ties with Jerusalem and the time of Jesus...and the Knights Templar and the FreeMasons as well. Also, the Kolbrin Bible which is another collection of stories of creation and destruction written by the Celts, talks about "Heavenman" being reborn of the "she-ape" in the Cavern of Woe. Homo Sapiens made an evolutionary jump of being apes to humans in 35,000 years which is an evolutionary milisecond, and they keep thinking they find the link only to find humans living simultaneously with these other humanoid primates. It's all written in history, one must be open to it's understanding. Third eye blind has been one of my favorite bands since I was in high school, and their music can never get old to me.

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