Lyric discussion by LePetitCapitan 

My thought wasn't that it was about two people at all. Well sort of. I think that the whole song is about a person who was destroyed by a past love. Those tender kisses the past love gave them became dark marks, the kindest of kisses that they receive reminds them of the past love and breaks their 'hard' heart (from the hurt from the past love, their heart turned hard, so they thought). They have love in them but they don't think they're capable of it but it seeps out anyways and they can't express themselves. Sweet words are bitter because from the past love they believe that all nice things are not true since the past love was so horrible. They loved them from the start, but they were a fool to and that love isn't an excuse for why their heart was broken, it was because they were a fool. Or, they love only their heart since it's not a deceitful person but it will never know why it's broken ("never know fool the I've been") but they don't want to use the relationship as an excuse because it's their fault they fell for it ("fool"). The person is trying to not be so lonely by have shallow relationships just for comfort. But even that hurts and they blame it on the past love who broke their heart and in the end, they want to break the past love's heart for causing all this. xD;; That's my interpretation. c:

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