Lyric discussion by xchelsx3 

Even though Bear seems out of context with the rest of the album, I still think it's about abortion rather than cancer. Hospice isn't just about cancer anyways, its about a couple's desendence into turmoil, which revolves mainly around the girl's "cancer" (who knows it its real or just a metaphor)but maybe abortion could be another problem they were faced with at somepoint. At first the couple continues to live irresponsibly and dismisses the problem of pregnancy by deciding to get rid of it ("we'll put an end to him")but after it's done they are hit with the consequences of their rash decision ("When we get home we're bigger strangers than we've ever been before"). Very interesting to hear it from a guy's perspective. It seems like he can grasp the situation better than the girl can and knows what they are in for desite acting irresponsibly along with his girlfriend. The chorus confuses me a little but maybe it has something to do with the alternate title "children become their parents become their children." They are in a situation where they will have to grow up and become caretakers if they have the baby, but at the same time they are just too immature.

This is what I thought when I first heard it, especially when he says they aren't afraid to find food for him to eat.

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