Lyric discussion by youb6ib9 

It is obvious he is talking about John F. Kennedy. If some of you may already know Kennedy had the nickname of Peter Pumpkin Head because his head was a little large since he was a kid. And not only that, what other person had the balls to confront the vatican about its mistakes? He made too many enemies, so they killed him. Thats my opinion. Check and you'll see I'm right.


As Conan O'Brien says, JFK had a "fat, Irish face". He also had addison's disease, which gave his skin an orange tint. And the music video repeatedly references JFK, so your interpretation is definitely valid.

OTOH, I think Partridge was just being coy with the JFK stuff. The lyrics pointedly criticize the Vatican. He could have later inserted JFK to prove he wasn't singling out Catholics as a people.

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