Lyric discussion by cupcakes_not_bombs 

i don't think every song she does has to be about her man troubles. sometimes artists write about the experiences of others. in that regard, it reminds me of "uncle's got a sweetheart part 2" by madeline adams.

it's possible that she just wanted to sing about what it must honestly be like to kill a man. not to glorify, but to explore how the feelings of regret might kick in. i hope that's what it's about. a lot of artists make it seem like such a casual thing, but it is human nature to feel horrible about it. that would make it seem to me a creative way to deter violence.

i kinda agree with you. of course you can understand it as a methaphor like #Geni, but I think she does mean it quite literally. She may not be singing about herself, but the setting is so real (esp. in comb. with the video) that the song still reflects the intense emotions one must be feeling if they were in such a situation

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