Lyric discussion by sheida 

i love the song from first time i heard it in london!!!it reminds me to my life there!...finally a woman who speaks out modern day issues in people's language, ...visas in my name, clocking that game, ... does pirate skulls and bones stand for an immigrant mafia or just in general?

women power!! 3rd world democracy!!now!

its not like some posters said a woman trying to sound like gangster, ...she's making fun of the system and state of being, and talks in same time of normal daily survival (especially for immigrant young ones, political people, worker's, ...): it's very realistic! and in same time very positive and cheerful! being cheerful in a song doesnt mean it has to deal with light issues only! mia is immigrant from political background, educated, designer, involved in human rights, ...

nowadays .. youre confronted with all these issues anyway, you dont have to be a gangster! especially if you try to be independent, to grasp whats going on, and have social responsiblity, ... and live true to yourself. just open your eyes!

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