Lyric discussion by gilgalad88 

I think this song is about a guy who can't go on in his contradictory world, and can't do nothing to found truth. He goes looking in the fantasies of people (the first paragraph, the "consumer's" world) and finds the material bones that suported them. Then he keeps searching in the material world (second paragraph, the productive world), the people that tries to keep living caring about his needs to survive. And so, he can't find himself, even looking to a thousand signs, nor he can't find that person who could serve of a guide. He tries it all so he can repent, because he doesn't know what is that right thing he has to do. Then there comes the part of the bible and the gun. I like to think is about his laws and his power to judge others and ask for (or make) punishment ("I was sure I was the one"). He finds out he can't judge anyone because he don't knows the "general truth". So he can't find the truth outside ("wen't out for the papers", the facts) but he has to return home, in need ("told her I'll be back"). But now that he experienced, he knows he can't find his truth in others, but in him. So he left, wandering in the inside, trying to know himself. Knowing Bono (not that good), I think he writes the song in a spiritual way. But can apply to all the people, in that search we all make trough our lives.

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