Lyric discussion by cierraashlee 

I agree with the second guy to comment. He is climbing the corporate ladder, working and working, but he'll never get to the top because someone else has already won the cup. His wife is usually alone because he is always working..and she needs him to be there for her. But this is only one example of what the man in the song could be doing. Yes, this means corporate guy is correct and anal sex man is correct in their interpretations.

The man could be doing anything. But you guys don't need to be focusing on what the man is doing. It doesn't matter what he is doing. The writer just needed to focus on the man doing something in order to show you an example of what he could be doing, why he is doing it, and how is messing up other important things in his life, so that the reader could see the big picture which is that his relationship with his wife and possibly his family is bad and they are now lonely because the man is always gone. He is never going to get to the top no matter how much he tries("works") because there are just too many people("they") to compete("race") with. The point is that they are married but their relationship is not going good because the man constantly out trying to succeed in his life. That could mean any goal that he has for himself that just isn't reachable for him. So he needs to learn to focus on what's important in life, his lonely wife and possibly family. The other point that nobody seems to notice is how the man is feeling. He is haunted by something he can't define. Something is seriously bothering him that's making him feel so obsessed with succeeding. The reason he is so obsessed with succeeding is because he wants to do it for his wife/family. For example to make them proud or provide for them, and he doesn't realize it but the more he tries to be the best for them..the worse they feel and the father he gets from them.

The moral of the story is: Your never going to be the best, no matter how hard you try. The deeper moral of the story is: You shouldn't be gone so often and so obsessed with something so unobtainable and when your wife/family needs you with them. Life is too short for that crap. Even deeper moral of the story: This particular person really needs to take a look into himself and decide what is really important in his life, and figure out if he truly is making the best choices to fully enjoy his life. Maybe this man isn't the only person whose actions actually contradict what he really wants in life. Maybe many people do this. Maybe you do this.

People need to look into themselves. Realize what emotions are making them make which actions in life. Once they realize which emotions are actually making the decisions in their brain, which actually contradict what they truly want than they will finally understand themselves, and make the right choices in their life without their emotions clouding their judgement, in order to obtain happiness.

I hope some people will take the time to understand my understanding of the song. Thank you.

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