Lyric discussion by stepout 

If you are an atheist, or agnotic, please read this and honestly give it some thought...

Your belief that there is no God, or belief that there is nothing, is just as much of an act of faith as a Christian's belief IN God. Just as a christian cannot "prove" the exitence of God, an atheist cannot prove that there is NO God. Are you 100% sure beyond a shadow of a doubt that there is no heaven, hell, or afterlife when you die? Have you been dead? You belive whatever you believe based on faith. Faith that you are right. Faith that whatever knowledge and facts you used to ascertain your conclusion is correct. So there is no need to call anyone "mindless", or "morons" for practicing their faith, when that is exactly the same thing that the atheist is doing. Do you know everything there is to know? If so, you would know the intimate details of the sex life of Napolian's great-grandmother's black cat's fleas. With that as a baseline, would you say you maybe knew 1% of everthing there is to know? or even 1% of 1%? I'm just saying it would be good that you be pretty knowledgeable before you go betting your eternity on what you know, or worse, what you don't know.

If you're a logical thinker and an atheist, I challenge you to read, "God doesn't believe in Atheists". It's filled with logical examples like this. Atheists are nothing if not logical thinkers, and this book really appeals to that kind of reader. In fact, if you are not quite sure what you are sure of regarding your belief in God and would like a copy of that book, email me at with your address or po box or whatever, and I will buy a copy from Amazon and have it sent to you, no questions asked. If only one person receives the greatest gift God ever gave us through this, then it will have been worth the money.

For the record guys, Christianity is not about thinking you're better than anyone, or judging anyone for their sins, or trying to gather up $ from mindless masses. PEOPLE do that. Jesus did not like organized religeon for this very reason. It's not God's fault when humans do evil in the name of God. Don't condemn yourself to an eternal life away from God because you associate Him with the evil that men have done in the name of religion.

We're all sinners. It's human. You can't be a good enough person to just go to heaven because you're a good guy. It doesn't work like that. That is not a good "fall-back" plan if you happen to be wrong about the whole atheism thing. Have you ever been wrong about anything? As much as heaven is a real place, so if hell. You need to be right about this.

The good news is that it doesn't cost a thing. No payments to the "Leper Messiah" lol. You just have to repent, and believe. That's it. Free as the air you breathe. Pretty good deal, especially when you consider the alternative. It's all in the book mentioned above. I was serious about that offer if anyone is still reading this board. Maybe you're reading this for a reason. I did not plan to come here to write all this. Just seemed like there was a surprisingly large atheist majority here to speak to I guess.

Ten reasons why I do not believe in God


  • Light
  • Pi
  • The fact that God was the one who created sin
  • Evolution
  • Midgets
  • Fossils
  • Isotopes and all radioactive atoms
  • Testicles(actually it is why they are so damn irritating and weak)
  • Gravity
  • DNA
  • Think about these ten reasons without reaching the stupid christian answer: "God works in mysterious ways" That's christian and means "Ohh shit I'm losing... Look over there" and then run away.

  • Light
  • Pi
  • The fact that God was the one who created sin
  • Evolution
  • Midgets
  • Fossils
  • Isotopes and all radioactive atoms
  • Testicles(actually it is why they are so damn irritating and weak)
  • Gravity
  • DNA
  • Think about these ten reasons without reaching the stupid christian answer: "God works in mysterious ways" That's christian and means "Ohh shit I'm losing... Look over there" and then run away.

    I don't care whether or not you believe me but just think about it. Okay?

    But you're the one that believes something which was believed by people 6,000 years ago. People back then were pretty easy to scare with 'Listen to me, I have this book! Which says how we have to live! And if you don't live like this and don't believe in my God, your soul shall be tortured for eternity when you are dead! Now give me your money, so that you will not live your life in hell!"

    If your god is so great then why is he so fucking stupid that he can't see how people will disbelieve in him by his lack of proof of himself?

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