Lyric discussion by istartedajoke 

I agree with the devil version and some of your other comments.

My version: I was thinking of somebody who takes life as a joke, like a big crazy party, think he knows better, doesn't accept any opinions, rules or limits, and is constantly searching for the biger high (I can also imagine him doing a bunch of hard drugs, but this part is not necessary). The world around him is crying, but he feels supperior than everybody else, it's all a joke to him. When it all catches up with him, he breaks down, and he feels that all the people around him are laughing at him, that everybody is against him and they are happy he is is down... In the light of all this mood swinging he does or says things he doesn't mean, and he worries about it, when it catches up with him.

What he doesn't realize is, that the joke is on him, that is, it's not about him at all, that the whole world is not against him and his ideas, that its all just an ilussion caused by his selfishness, the ego. If this "lens" that is his ego dies, the whole world becomes beautiful and full of life again.


I agree. Nothing more to add.

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