Lyric discussion by HooperX 

I think it's about someone who's a survivor of abuse. You get past it, and you try to live a normal life and believe that the world is safe and that everything will be alright, and then one day you see the abuser on the street or you hear a sound that reminds you of them and all the attempts you've made to insulate yourself and feel secure just crash down around you.

You're never quite free.

Wouldn't surprise me. That "dry land" bit could be a callback to "Has Thou Considered the Tetrapod?", where he says that one day he'll end up on dry land (as in, be away from his abusive stepfather).

I like your interpretation of the song. I saw it in a bit vaguer terms of someone overcoming darkness. About coming into optimism and believing that there's only good things ahead and then one day realizing that they haven't shaken free, that the memory is still there and it threatens to drag them down again.

The thing is, the memories will always be a part of you. But that's what made you who you are, that's what made you strong. And though you are never quite free, you can still be hopeful and content with the world. That is the importance of this song, and of poetry. That is the importance of music.

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