Lyric discussion by xolove1226 

I know that most likely nobody will read this since it will be on page 3 or 4 but i'd like to pretend someone will. Pretty much this song describes my life right now. I'm currently a sophomore in high school and several months back, I was in a 2 week relationship with the senior captain of the football team. I realized this was pretty much every girl's dream and I really liked him. By the 2nd week, I knew things weren't working and at this point a friend of a friend started bbming me and we started talking, but nothing serious because I was in this other relationship at the time. I even contemplated not talking to him because I felt guilty, but something told me to keep him around. Turns out, the football captain broke up with me a few days after me and Eddie started talking, but for some reason I was okay with that. I continued to talk to Eddie and I knew he was attracted to me from the start but it took me a little while to develop feelings for him, considering at this point I liked a completely different guy. Well anyway, I started to feel something for him and after about a month, we told each other how we felt and wow that meant so much to me. He asked me out on January 1st and I said yes in a heartbeat, and we've been dating for almost 3 months now. I've never been so in love before. Yeah, I've had some cool boyfriends before, but nobody even compares to Eddie. I can't imagine life without him and he's so important to me. Now I'm rambling, but the point of this story was that this song describes everything I'm feeling right now and from this whole experience I learned that the person who really loved me was right in front of me, and now I wouldn't rather have it any other way. Amazing song, sorry for rambling!

Awww this is such a beautiful storyX)

this happened to me but in a horrible ending

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