Lyric discussion by sonoken 

beautiful song, but most Bread songs are. It's an odd thing about humans that we relish ache of loss when expressed in songs like this. No matter how great the day is going, if a song like this comes up in shuffle, I find myself replaying it multiple times, causing a tear or so completely takes me back to a time in my life when I lost one that I love...maybe that's the have to still love the one that was lost, for it to still hurt. Oftentimes, I find upon further reflection, that the one lost was the me that I was at the period the song takes me back to.

well said. when you lose someone... you also lose the person that you were when with them.

Very insightful comments my friend. I totally agree.

@sonoken One of the most insightful, heartfelt comments I've ever read. Your response has made me stop and reflect much upon the nature of reminiscense and loss.

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