Lyric discussion by JerseyPunker 

Johnny Puke snorts Ritilin, not Johnny "pux0r" The beauty of flaw, not love. With that said, + 10 cool points to all you guys & girls out there who figured out that this song is a shitload of lines from & references to punk songs & a band or two- 20 cool points to those of you who refer to the albums as "CDs" LOL It's nice to see younger punkers. As for the "you think what you wanna think" posters out there, do your research before you post. And seriously, enjoy the research. Expand your musical knowledge and expand your knowledge musically. Punk rock is both the best and worst music in history. It's the ringing in the ears and the piss in the eyes of those who would turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the problems of the world. It is the voice of those of us who can see that "something's very, very, very, fucking wrong." And if my language is a little to colorful for you, you'd better go back to your Avril Lavigne and NFG and leave the real stuff for the big kids.

Well said.

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