Lyric discussion by dobby36 

Yeah actually i think it could have been written by mike or tre, coz i think it makes more sense with it being about a daughter than adrienne, or one of billie's sons lol. Especially because Estelle, Mike's daughter is 13, and Ramona, Tre's daughter, is 16, so the "life unfolding" plus the "drama queen" thing of being a teenager, also possibly the "old enough to bleed" (wtf btw) indicates this. cute song though XD

I'd think it's Tre's daughter, cuz she lived in New York. In the American Idiot album when Tre sings in Rock N' Roll Girlfriend, he mentions he's got a kid in New York = Ramona. :D

@miss80 i literally just made an account and accidentally thumbed down your comment. -.- im sorry!!!! i wanted to like it. ._. i didnt realise tré had a 13 yr old daughter that sounds like it could have been written about her! xxx

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