Lyric discussion by whocares1017 

I was looking for a meaning but it's pretty obvious to me now that the yellow letter is something you know right when you see it. You don't have to know what the song is about to get the feeling of the song. "Make me cry" is the biggest phrase on the track. If your family member is fighting in a war and an officer comes to your doorstep you'll get that vibe and not want to talk to him. If your significant other is about to leave you but you don't want it to happen, you'll get that vibe. Maybe not wanting to stay alive is whats happening. Don't want to stay so you can be with someone, or don't want to stay because you're yellow and don't want to hurt anymore. I heard this tonight on my way to see my wife (been seperated 1 1/2 years she's a stripper and I really wanted to tell her how she's special to me and I want to try to start over) I didn't want to go to her club I hate seeing her like that but I wanted to talk. Wrong place... I took her to where she stays without saying anything I wanted to her. My Yellow Ledbetter is not being able to express that passion I want to her. I just feel the vibe of being a fool. I also know that not expressing it keeps dragging me down. I don't want to stay like this. Hope I can bring myself to opening that letter and facing my fears.

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