Lyric discussion by rowkem388 

Firstly, when she says 'capital H-i-m, she is not referring to Satan. She's meaning, whether you love him, him being another man, or capital H-i-m, meaning God. So, whether you love another man (homosexual) or God, it's irrelevant, you're perfect since you were born that way.

I don't like how she gets so religious by mentioning God at all. I don't believe in a God, personally, and trying to say F-U to all those wing-nut evangelicals is a waste of breath. They don't deserve a single bit of attention, nor does an made up being they created.

The meaning is pretty easy to decipher since the lyrics are, admittedly, very weak and shallow. It's got a good beat and although I think of 'Express Yourself' when I hear this, I don't think it's an all-out remake. The racial remarks are nothing to bitch over. A rapper can say, 'nigger', in their lyrics and all we do is bleep it out, end of story. The minute a white girl says, 'chola', or 'orient', she's a demon and should be burned. When a word becomes taboo like that, it gives the word more power. Seriously, stop being so sensitive.

Definitely not her strongest work, by any means but, it sends a generally positive message and has a pretty good sound. Remains to be seen whether her next single, 'Jude', is any better.

Her extensive religious references is purely sociological. Lady Gaga clearly has a bone to pick with the idea that homosexuality is a sin. If you think about it (and actually read the bible) its clear that its impossible for homosexuality to be a sin.


romans 27-32 answers why everyone knows homosexuality is a sin.

@rowkem: I definitely heard it as "Him", not "HIM" -- I suppose we'll likely find out when she releases the album, assuming there are lyrics in the booklet. I do disagree that she shouldn't have mentioned God at all, though. I don't personally believe in God either, but I see that less as calling out the evangelicals and more as assuring the people who are put down by said evangelicals and told there's something wrong with them. Evangelicals will be evangelicals, but I think her message is that you shouldn't feel like there's something wrong with you....

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