Lyric discussion by PleinlyStated 

This song is about coping with abandonment. It is a courageous account of someone who was discarded, but not with a distinct act of termination. There is unfinished business between the two of them, but because so much time has passed, it is an admission that it's over…but it's not. The love is still there, but it's unreturned. To admit this takes bravery, and probably proclaiming all of this is therapeutic, because it seems as though the writer has finally arrived at the reality that the unreturned love isn't ever going to be returned. However, the door is not closed completely, but the writer is not willing to reveal the truth outside of this song–that she will be in love forever.

I think that it's also a testament to the damage that one individual can do to another by way of neglect. Perhaps the unreturned love was deemed by the abandoner as a means to avoid a painful breakup, but the real pain is in not really knowing what happened, or why. That pain will haunt the writer forever, because the investment was made and thoughtfully placed in what was believed to be a haven, but that trust was betrayed. Neglect is a stealth betrayal.

@PleinlyStated I don't agree. I think this is about someone who destroyed a relationship and is remorseful now. I think she (since a female is singing) caused the damage.

"I know I left too much mess And destruction to come back again And I caused nothing but trouble I understand if you can't talk to me again"

@PleinlyStated I hope you agree that too many lies was going on at the time and lets be honest you could never have told me EVERYTHING that you were going through. We can now put a closure on the past as I now know the truth after all these years if you are strong enough to see me face to face!!!! jx

@PleinlyStated I am not sure how this one got voted up so much since it is completely inaccurate, and ignores the actual lyrics of the song. I think the person that wrote this review was feeling that at the time of hearing the song, but it is the complete opposite of the actual intent of the lyrics. Dido clearly sings about her ending a relationship, being responsible for mistreatment, and acknowledged her role in their woes. She then is very clear in saying she won't give up on the love she has for him in her heart because he...

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