Lyric discussion by winteronmercury 

Whenever I hear "Now I know a disease that these doctors can't treat You contract it the day you accept all you see is a mirror and a mirror is all it can be a reflection of something we're missing"

I think of the story of creation in the Bible... man being created in God/YHWH/whatever's image, and Eve taking from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The disease is becoming truly aware and knowing everything you lack inside, and that you can never obtain what you lack. In the story, man is made into God's image, but isn't made to be like God. After eating the fruit, they become aware of what they are missing.

I also like that it can mean that you never see anything the way it really is. Everything you perceive is filtered through your thoughts and perceptions and gets distorted. There's also the way light reflects off of surfaces, then is processed by your eyes and then your brain... that takes time (too short for us to notice) so you never really see anything, only the light that reflects off of it. And that reflection is never from the immediate present. Everything we see is just light made into shapes that we interpret with all of our different minds. Sound is just vibration. We never actually touch anything due to electric repulsion. None of us have literally ever touched anything else, ever. Only the illusion of touch.

So it's this knowledge of everything that we aren't, and this isolation, and when you finally see it, it's like a disease that will never go away.

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