Lyric discussion by kellyltc25 

{quote]I think its interesting that nobody gets the irony of this song--sure its based on a prayer, but its all about the irony of people killing people in the name of religion. "How long to sing this song" could apply to so many situations all over the world, not just northern ireland or the middle east. Until people learn to separate religion and politics the drum beats U2 said in Sunday Bloody Sunday...try to translate that into a psalm[/quote]

Psalm 40:6 Sacrifice and offering You do not desire, {nor} have You delight in them; You have given me the capacity to hear {and} obey [Your law, a more valuable service than] burnt offerings and sin offerings [which] You do not require.

What this verse basically means is that people who go to church, pray in the name of Jesus, say that we're Christians and do things in "then name of Jesus", it all means nothing unless we walk the Christian life out. The Lord does not need us to fight His battles for Him. His will is perfect and does not return void despite all our best efforts not because of them.

This is a cry of human anguish and humility that realizes that, not only is the psalmist guilty of some sin himself, he is also being persecuted on all sides by others perhaps in even greater sin. Perhaps he thinks he reaping what he sowed? He's acknowledging God's sovereignty, establishing his own humility and asking for mercy no matter what the cause of the pain or source of the sin.

There's really no irony in here. Sin is present whether we're the cause, others are the cause or it's the will of the Prince of this World. It's no one's "fault". Christianity does not involve the concept of "karma". Sometimes the sin in this world just "is". The psalmist in this psalm is just seeking mercy and the assurance that his relationship with God is still intact and waiting for a reassuring reply.

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