Lyric discussion by elangoc 

Hey everyone, It wasn't obvious, but I think I've figured it out... This song is about the commercialization of the US/Western World/the world and how it's made people void of humanity. San Francisco is a few hours away from the town where Win Butler (singer) was born, it was a hotspot of progressive cultural change in the '60s and '70s. But now, it's associated with Silicon Valley as the center of high-tech, dot-coms, etc. As in Sprawl II and perhaps other songs of the album, light is a metaphor for what is attractive (shiny) yet illusory (hollow, intangible)

The over-speculation of dot-com stocks by greedy investors led to a stock market crash that left others suffering. And of course, the housing market collapse of 2008 has led to the current economic recession that still hasn't ended, and many people unrelated to the causes to lose lots -- their retirement savings, their mortgages, etc. Kids have seen their parents lose their jobs. Even now, there's no real reparations, and it's taken in everyone's minds that it's a done deal. If your house is repossessed, you're blamed for trying to afford outside of your minds, that you've set up yourself up for disaster already. But those who'd like most to accept things for what they are those who caused the problem, and they're afraid to really own up to what they've caused. Those who are left impoverished are struggling with their own problems to band together and effect change in the system, while those who profited and escaped lift a rich, unrewarding

Already seeing what's happened in San Francisco, Win is saying that he's worried that all that's still good and natural in the world will be killed off by the effects of short-sighted human greed, superficiality, etc., which is happening faster than they expected. At some point, people will look back and wonder how things went wrong, but it will be far too late.

Of course, this is just the gist of what I interpret. You may have other ideas. Personally, I'd also say that techology is a part of the self-destructive forces of commercialization sung about.

Cool lyrics!

Wow, great analysis. I completely agree with everything you said, and I love this song's message. Just one thing: Win Butler was born in The Woodlands, Texas. Not exactly a few hours from San Francisco. However, this totally doesn't undermine your theory, because The Woodlands is a suburb of Houston, which is also a major metropolitan center. Just thought you'd like to know. Other than that, great job!

Oops. Born in Cali, moved to Texas. Mea culpa. Stay awesome, my friend.

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