Lyric discussion by Tozze 

I think Uprising is telling people to get together and fight the government when it treats us unfair and trying to control the opinions and rights of people. It's about brain washing, mind control, lies - in form of PR. I'm not sure but I think that the Green belts are the rules and the laws we have and I'm positive that "red tape" is bureaucracy (Regulations, paperwork etc).

"If you could flick a switch and open your third eye, You'd see that we should never be afraid to die." - People need a third eye (they are still blind with the 2 they already have) to realize that we should not be afraid to die (fight, take a stand).

"It's time that the fat cats had a heart attack" - I think the fat cats are the banks around the world and that Muse refer to the financial crisis that occured 2008 and that's still affecting us. The greedy banks got stuffed (with people's money) and at last they had a heart attack. It was just a matter of time. We shouldn't have been surprised about it.

That is how I interpret Uprising but maybe I'm wrong! That's the great thing about Muse songs - You don't always know how to interpret them and what they actually are singing about, because they often have a meaning more deep than we think they have :) <3 to Muse!

The 'red tape' refers to celebrities, entertainment, and Hollywood. They keep us distracted and away from the truth.

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