Lyric discussion by picker 

This song is about a man with a dream he won't let go of, even though Time is slipping away from him while he waits for the plan he already has to work out. He's wasting time he can't get back waiting for it, and the world is passing him by.

His lover tells him to open up his heart and let the light shine in, just be where he is and live in the moment he really is in. But he won't. The "real" life he's waiting to begin is all he wants, all he can or will accept.

What he doesn't see is that his life and any chance for happiness based in reality is passing him by while he waits for his ship to come in. In the end, he still holds on the foolish hope that any minute now, his ship will come in and he'll start living the life he wants, even though he can see a very long way and it isn't in sight.

It's not a happy or encouraging song in the least. It's a song about wasting what you could have, waiting for something that never happens.

@picker Much respect to Colin, love to see him live. This song, although I do agree with your analysis, took on a meaning for me as a long fought - for relationship was ending. I slow danced with her to this song. I knew my business was in a bad spot, but I had other plans to boost it back up. I was just wanting her to believe in me as much as I believed in myself. The relationship finally ended and just a c ouple of months later everything started to get better and far. This ,song always...

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