Lyric discussion by housearrested 

Become the honest and the ?

I hear: Become the honest and the veiled. (like concealed or disguised)

Anyone else hear Cousin It from adams family at like 2:30? :)

Nobody taking a stab at the meaning yet? I have no clue. I can barely make an educated guess. Seems to hint at a third world country at times, maybe after a catastrophe...but then I get hints of an apocalypse and maybe good vs bad.

Phones ringing...happy kids...and singing in every verse. I got nothing.

My best guess is that the narrator and the subject of the song(perhaps they are the same person) are looking over the subject's current lifestyle/ carreer and all the demands on him, and all his troubles. They envy the carefree life of the children playing. By the end of the song they decide to throw it all away and reinvent themselves as anything they want to be

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