Lyric discussion by m0ofin 

Hey, your lyrics sound right. At least that's how I would have transcribed it too. But the band's posted up a copy of the lyrics on the forum and they're like so:

There’s a cold, easy glow dancing over our street. I could have chased it down. I could’ve held your love, But wouldn’t you think me weak?

Of all, I should know How the streets come and go When you chase the kaleidoscope dream, but, Stranger, baby, always keep me in your sweet memory.

Biting cold, thrashing, scolding, Drowned me under our street. Perfect hips, perfects tits she was. Perfect lips, pieces of your heart, Splattered on the cliff.

We go home, watch a movie. Tell me can you feel the beat? Getting loose, getting loose she was, Letting those feeling loose; She was, becoming a monster.

She drew the line in the mind. She was not holding on.

And have you been through the sea, on the night? Hold me tight. Babe, we’ve got it. And did you find that you’d like a little Piece of cherry pie, hot from the oven?

The oven?

And it was “who let the girl out”, Let the dog out “let the girl out”, Don’t you miss me the way I miss you?

Sailor, Sailor, Sailor, I’m sending birds to watch over you. And when you see Honah Lee is a lie, Hold me tight. Babe, we’ve got it.

All you need, honestly, A little piece of cherry pie, Hot from the oven. On your knees, face me, Cherry pie, baby.

Thanks for that, I revised them. The funny thing is that when I was listening through it and got to the "Honah Lee" part, I was like "that's not a word," and replaced a guess at words. Then, it turns out to be that and as I read it, I go "Oh, like from Puff the magic dragon."

Either way, great tune, thanks for the update.

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