Lyric discussion by freja 

Yeah, I love this version too. It's interesting because the whole meaning of the song is changed. In the album version, it's like Elliott has broken up with a woman because he's sure that she doesn't really care about him anyway [thought you'd be looking for the next in line to love...And so you'd soon be leaving me alone / Like I'm supposed to be...] and because he's too depressed to really give what he should to the relationship [I waited for a bus to separate the both of us / And take me off far away from you / Because my feelings never change a bit / I always feel like shit / I don't know why, I guess that I "just do"]. But once she's gone, he finally realizes what she was talking about when she told him about the strength, happiness etc he could get from a relationship (that it could be a never-never land). He's saying he didn't understand until it was too late. The whole song feels like he wishes he could have her back, and that he's sorry he didn't understand things sooner.

This version feels like it was written before he came to that understanding. It sounds like he's saying he can't wait to get away from the relationship [And I'd be happy just to be / Relieved from duty right away ... I'm waiting for a bus to take / My thoughts away from us / And drop me off far away from you]. He's sees relationships as false fronts, showing just the pretty side. He knows that there is an ugly side too so he wants nothing to do with covering it up. In this version, he doesn't yet understand.

I think these two songs show a beautiful progression of his understanding of relationships and love. It's awesome.

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