Lyric discussion by nofaultz 

I'd like to offer my interpretation:

The song identifies "We are the lucky ones..." as not just being independent and alive, but able to find one another and completely fall in love " our colors run together."

and this discovered personal happiness makes for commitment, "I'll keep you company... "

"Time dancers whirling..." hints she feels the fleeting moments of these limited intimate encounters

and nothing competes - heaven is only made more conceivable by her heavenly contentment here on earth with him.

"Sacred geometry where movement is..." expresses her physical fulfillment in the arms of her lover.

"Dance me into the..." describes the beautiful and emotional transformation that she experiences with him.

But then, why the title, "The Dark Waltz?" It makes sense if you assume something else is at play. Could she be the other woman, or is she a Hatfield and he's a McCoy, or is she a Muslim and he a Westerner, or they are in some other similar predicament? Then things start making more sense. It is a clandestine and dark waltz (engagement) because certain facts that are an intricate part of their lives preclude disclosure of their love. Yet, in spite of what is wrong, she proclaims that "We are the lucky ones," because of what has happened between them. Obviously, love between two individuals does not cure all outside ills so the untenable dark side looms in the form of the institution of marriage, family feud, religious dogma, or whatever it is that is considered beyond resolution.

Haley Westenra beautifully and clearly sings these lyrics in a manner that I noted as hauntingly seductive and as perhaps an apt description of this not so uncommon relationship dilemma.

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