Lyric discussion by canarycriedkaye 

Well, if you knew anyhting about Bianca and Sierra Casady then, you would know that their parents were separated when Sierra was five and Bianca, three. Their mother, Christina Chalmers, was of Native American ancestry. Their father was interested in Native American religion. As little girls, they spent summers with him while he visited Indian Reservations and went on vision quests. Sierre and Bianca didn't enjoy these things like their father did but, came to appreciate these experiences later. So, That's that about the memories with fther part.

Now, about this Simon kick you guys got going on... I've never heard them say his name after 'Calling out his name' then again I don't listen to any other version of this unless it's the album version. But the first part of the song is talking about an ambulance. But, in the begining she sings 'It was Cinco de Mayo' so, what does that have to do with 'Pillow case on his head, No more breathing time, An ambulance sped, Sped round every corner, Calling out his name'. But I am almost certain that they are talking about someone who has been hung or has hung themselves and has stopped breathing in the ambulance. Their brothers name may be Simon. But, What I do know is that their is deceased whether or not his name is Simon, their brother is deceased. So, that could be what the begining is about. There is nothing about the Casady sisters' brother but I have always had the thought in my head that maybe he commited suicide...

So, with corrections made in the lyrics, here is my opinion...

It was Cinco de Mayo Pillow case on his head No more breathing time An ambulance sped Sped round every corner Calling out his name (Simon, their brother commited suicide by hanging himself with some sort of revelance to Cinco de Mayo. Whether that be the day he did it or because of it or that's what it reminds the girls of when they think of it. He did it with a pillow case over his head. Makes sense. That's what they use to do when they hung people way back when for dumb crimes so that the witnessess didn't have to see the face of the criminal. Sounds like they are saying that he was either already dead before he was in an ambulance or he stopped breathing when he got in the ambulance. Maybe the ambulance was calling out his name symbolicly like, the siren of the amublance haunts them.)

Shot a rabbit from the back seat window Sat and watched in the summer corn grow Ate icecream in a desert dream Got lost in fathers singing Too hot inside to hot outside Lazy days when you said lets go for a ride We'd sail on Spirit Lake Me, my pappy, and his lemonade (I'm wondering if their brother lived with their father in stead of with their mother because in the begining it seems like they are singing about their brother but they are also singing about their father and spending the summers with him. Hence 'Me, my PAPPY, and his lemonade'. but before that part they sing 'Lazy days when YOU said lets go for a ride'. Who is 'you'? Simon? If that is their brothers name. Maybe the whole song is really (if their brother did live with their father) about their brother and their life with him before he died. Maybe it's all just memories about their brother.)

Tim and tina were my parents' names They got engaged they were inflamed Seduced by the lie of butterflies How they shimmer, how they glimmer Those butterflies (Maybe the girls only thought their parents were together for such a short time because their parents were only lustful toward each other. Butterflies are usually symbolic for beauty 'Seduced by the lie of butterflies'. Suduced by the lie of beauty maybe?)

We seven kids, we almost died Nearly put to death by lightning strike Instead there was hot pink flashes in the sky We climb the rocks in snow and rain In search of magic powers To heal our mother's pain (Mothers pain... Their father must have made the domonating desicion to leave the relasionship. Or maybe he cheated. But I think this is saying that it was really hard on the kids and they tried to make their mother feel better about the separtion. Maybe thats why their brother is dead? Maybe that is a contribution to his death. Maybe.)

Shot a rabbit from the back seat window Sat and watched in the summer corn grow Ate icecream in a desert dream Got lost in fathers singing Too hot inside to hot outside Lazy days when you said lets go for a ride We'd sail on Spirit Lake Me, my pappy, and his lemonade

The part about butterflies - I think they're talking about the butterflies in your stomach that come along with new love/lust, but eventually those fade and you're left with a relationship that doesn't work. I think that's a lovely way to put what a lot of couples go through. The lie of butterflies.

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