Lyric discussion by somedayxxbway 

I can't believe that this song has no comments on it yet because it's one of my favorite Regina songs. It's absolutely beautiful - the piano and the lyrics and her vocalization.

My interpretation of this song is that she's waiting for someone to love her, anyone, but she's only potentially lovely. And she's perpetually human in that she lets her loneliness get to her. She does everything for herself (I am in a room I built myself, etc.) because she's lonely and has no one to do things for or with her. Everybody kind of looks past her, as shown in the segment about the snow falling and everybody staring. She's just potentially lovely. She wants someone to open their eyes & heart to her.

I dunno, it's kind of a lame interpretation but I like the picture it paints. A woman who has never been completely perfect and therefore has always been alone. It goes along with the desolate feel of the song itself.

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