Lyric discussion by saztak 

Holy cow. I NEVER imagined this being about a solider. That's just, my mind is blown right now and I'm for whatever reason tearing up right now.

I listened to this song a LOT when I was drifting apart from my boyfriend. We weren't fighting, he was a great man, but for whatever reason, I just felt like I needed to get away. So I just left. So to me, the song sorta encompassed the fact that I was realizing that I really didn't love him like I thought I did, and that he was 'long gone'. And that 'I wake up' meaning I'm realizing that I really didn't love him. 'It's a bad dream', meaning that suddenly I was going to have to break his heart (god he loved me so much), and I always thought I had the 'fighting' spirit, but realized 'well apparently I just can't do it'.

So, basically, I saw this song being more like someone who is flighty and free-spirited coming to terms that they are being held down in their relationship. 'Why do I have to fly? ...I'll die in the clouds', 'I was born to hate' - Meaning, love is too restricting for their personality. But a lot of the song is also about how that free-spirited person is pained by the fact that they have to leave all that behind.

A'course, people read themselves into song lyrics. I love reading people's different interpretations :D

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