Lyric discussion by JohnnyLemon 

Aside from nomad and the person who posted about the interview statement, I think everyone is taking the wrong track with this song. Even if it was loosely based upon an actual incident that occurred to him, as according to the interview, it's not impossible that he added in some further meaning when turning it into a song. If there is any, then, along the lines of nomad, what occurred to me almost immediately upon listening to it is that it (the count) is a parable for life. A person goes through life scared and afraid, thinking that life is out to get him, trying to 'take him for a ride', but in the end, life isn't trying to hurt you, its just happenstance. He may have drawn on personal experience and history for creating stories to illustrate this, but thats what seems to be the overall meaning to me.

And yeah, that last six minutes is awesome, I keep coming back to it.

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