Lyric discussion by savian 

Tend to agree with runningincircles here. Oh and about the "gasping for breath" part, I don't think it's any disease, I think it's because the room that she built for herself has no windows or doors and she feels like she's suffocating.
So she lives in this room in a secluded place(through the woods and past the train) but no one can see or hear her and it's becoming more like a prison. "Every day I wake up feeling potentially lovely, perpetually human, suspended and open" No doubt here, she's feeling lonely and unfulfilled. Feeling perpetually human could mean feeling mortal and subject to error(errare humanum est). Not much use being a wonderful person if there's no one to give yourself to. Suspended and open could symbolize loneliness as someone above said. My opinion, could very well be wrong. Nonetheless great great song and one that I've been overlooking for some reason.

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