Lyric discussion by adonnellyr 

It seems like the references to Royal are definitely on the surface of this song, especially considering his dedication to Royal while playing this song in concert. But underneath that, I think that this album and song undoubtedly depict Sufjan's loss of faith in the term "love" as it is so often thrown around. "Sensation to what you said", I believe, indicates the manner in which the narrator reacts so strongly in a physical, sensation-based manner to everything the lost love says, and as a result, he is now "lost." The narrator indicates that this is his own fault, presumably for putting so much faith in his ex-lover's words. He goes so crazy (for lack of a better term) after their separation, that he leaves a mess worthy of apologizing over and runs like a wild dog through the night with the wound still deep in his heart. Yet putting so much emphasis on her words and actions will get him nowhere, as when he walks because she walks, he "won't probably get very far."

The song also reflects the importance we attach to emotions like love. Having nothing left to love, the narrator is lost--dead.

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