Lyric discussion by Sarena 

Does anyone else feel like Sufjan has changed a lot in this album? I guess to be honest, I usually play repeats of my personal favourites on my ipod like gacy, chicago, the upper peninsula, holland, no man's land, to be alone with you etc. So I'm a shitty fan and don't listen to the other's regularly.

But, his voice and style in those songs, and even the subject matter is different. I feel like his past songs were amazing and this album might take a few listens to get used to, but I still enjoy it.

I guess even though I feel like there's a quality of his olds songs that are missing from these, I feel like he makes up for it in something else. This something else is experimentation, I like the hints of noise pop, I like the backing vocals, and I love that his songs are relateable.

Btw, I don't think Sufjan is gay. I thought to be alone with you was about being with a married man, I learnt my lesson. I don't it's sung just from his perspective, I think he means that "she's" saying that they can do so much together. But hey, I could be wrong. Like someone previously said, you cannot just decide on someone's sexuality based on interpreting a couple of lines.

Tbh I thought his past songs were in a sense, innocent they were absolutely beautiful and definitely mature. But this feels like Sufjan is actually expressing life experience and he's in a different place in his life, he's older. It's easy to tell just from "Oh, woman, tell me what you want And I'll calm down without bleeding out, with a broken heart that you stabbed for an hour". That's just completely different from his older songs. But his music still retains the quality of story-telling, of real experience and emotion. I also feel like even though Christ is probably mentioned, he's not the focus anymore.

Although, honestly. I think this has a Gotye-esque quality. I still think it's Sufjan, especially at the beginnin, but it reminds of Gotye! I enjoy listening to it a lot though.

Just as an FYI, Stevens gave a radio interview where he said that leaving God out of this record was completely intentional and in no way a reflection of anything personal. I think he was really aiming for a complete departure from norm...kind of like Enjoy Your Rabbit, which bears no resemblance to anything we define as his "signature".

He also said that he's very insecure about his voice and very self-aware of his body, so on this record he said he sort of let go of that "whisper" from Seven Swans, Michicgan, and Illinois and didn't really care about his voice breaking and the dancing was to help him become more comfortable in his skin (and supposedly to help with his mysterious illness).

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