Lyric discussion by jplook1 

I love this song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's a new one I love too at the moment, only the young, the video is awesome!

Being a Mormon, I can't really see a spiritual meaning to Crossfire song, although he has quite a lot of spiritual songs in the Flamingo album. This song is more about a relationship striving to get there despite a complicated situation they're in. Could even be someone from the Mormon faith with someone from a complete different field and how complicated it is for both, yet their love is strong? Often the 2 opposite worlds attract each other greatly and sometimes intrigue each other. I always heard that opposites attract, and there Flowers seems to put it nicely into a song. I even admitt we, Mormons are completely different from this world.

Me too, I love only the young's video, Brandon is sooooooooooo handsome and stylish!!! jplook1, am not religious at all, but I love the mormons I know!! I think what makes others say that your' from another planet, is because your' just incredible! I have friends who are mormons and theyre so lovely! I envy their innocence and moral cleanliness if that makes sense. I wish I were more like you guys. Funny enough, Brandon has this lovely feeling about him that Mormons carry, there's a light about them, not sure what it is, can you anwwer that one for me? I could...

The last sentence in your comment made me giggle a little. We are different aren't we? :P

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