Lyric discussion by Queens 

I take this song in a more drug-induced way. By the way, this is a great great great song. Everytime i lisetn to it i fall in love with it all over again. Such a dark sensual tune. Anyways, these are my thoughts of the songs meaning:

"I watched you change, into a fly. I looked away, your on fire" A girl who was once pure and innocent has changed because of personal issues. The only person she turns to is her friend whom she's known all her life. Yet he doesn't give her the help she needs. Instead, he hooks her on drugs and watches her crumble and become more of a mess than she already is. He looks away and does nothing leaving her to deteriorate.

"I've watched you change, It's like you never had wings, And you feel so alive" She turns into a rebellious person enjoying the freedom she THINKS she posseses. Drugs become her escape because they make her feel "alive" and in a "much better place" then she would be if sober. She's in denial though, when confronted with the dramatic changes she's made even though deep down she knows she's getting hooked.

"I took you home, set you on the glass. I pulled off your wings and I laughed." She is like an experiment to him- a bug that he is dissecting and is taking advantage of. She cries because of how helpless she is realizing how she has let herself go and changed for the worst. He had stripped her of her true identity and just laughs at her stupidity for being naive and letting herself go far too deep.

"I look at the cross and i look away. Give you the gun, blow me away." Something most likely happened to the girl such as: she may have died, had a major overdose on drugs and is being hospitilized, or is in a much worse state than before. Finally realizing the mistake he made, he is filled with guilt and anguish for ruining and betraying the girl who came to him full of trust (because of the long years she'd known him) and in need of help. The cross symbolizes good and he can't bear to look at it because of the shame he has brought upon himself. He feels that the only way to fix his mistake is if she does the honors of ending his life like he did to hers.

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