Lyric discussion by xLAWDOGx 

Part II...

Fast forward ten years and my girlfriend is now my wife. We have a young child whom we love dearly. We want more children and she gets pregnant. She waits until 10 weeks have passed and makes the announcement. We go for an ultrasound. I am with her and I can clearly see that there is now nothing discernable in the womb. The ultrasound technician knows this as well but isn't allowed to comment. That's the doctor's job. It doesn't matter because we both know that something has gone wrong. Our baby has left this world. My wife suffers a miscarriage.

To this day, I wonder who this child may have been. As I type, I am crying. Seeing the ultrasound for my first child and then seeing the ultrasound of my second child changes my entire outlook on abortion. Does life begin at conception? Maybe. But it is a fact that when there is a fetus with hands, feets, toes, etc. you are looking at life. When I hear "Brick" I cry.

I will not judge others in their decision on this topic. But do not take it lightly. Explore all of your options before making the decision to terminate a pregnancy. Don't be bullied by people at abortion clinics.

Thank you so much for your comment. I created an account on this website just to thank you for how powerfully it hit me. I'm not a crier but I got chills and started to tear up reading your comment, because I could feel how emotional you really felt writing it.

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