Lyric discussion by Indiesongwriter 

I disagree that its a light-hearted song - I'm not really sure where people are getting this - like that its 'hilarious' - but I guess everyone hears things differently. I think that Paul brings a sense of humor to a heavy situation talking about how certain norms will be laughed at in the future, but the song essentially deals with oppression because of gender identity - even from one's own family members. I do NOT hear a sense of lightness and humor in Paul's voice when he sings the chorus ("love eachother so, closer than you know") and in fact at the very end his voice clearly cracks as if he is about to cry.

I also don't think he's saying that androgyny is just a youthful phase, but I think he's saying that its someone's identity and preference and that it shouldn't be ridiculed.

I also think the line "closer than you know" is a clever meaning. It alludes to the two lovers being closer than you realize in their relationship, and also being closer in their gender identities even though one is male and one is female, because gender is fluid and not a binary.

@Indiesongwriter Good one. I've always had a third interpretation with the 'closer than you know': since it's related to 'love each other so', which is a universal emotion, the singer seems to say that Dick and Jane are not so different from you, the listener.

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