Lyric discussion by tpksummers 

Well to the "innocents", I have a question. How does he know he's pleasing her? And how does he know how he's pleasing her? An innocent explanation needs an explanation. She's happy with the attention and devotion he bestows upon her, it pleases her, right? So, what's the problem? If his company and affection make her happy, and she's made that known, why would he have to beg her please him in the same way. It's apparently not a situation where he's getting the cold shoulder and brush-off from a girl he desires, because his continued efforts would not PLEASE her, and he would not know that they PLEASE her, because he'd be getting the brush-off. That's a different lyric, that situation. I'm doin all this stuff trying to impress you and get your attention and affection and you don't give me the time of day. Plus that girl would not be "his" girl.
He's doing something for his girl that makes her happy and if she did it for him it would make him happy, he knows it makes her happy, she knows he knows it makes her happy and it's to the point that he's pleading for it. So it's about unrequited foot massage? He does her taxes, but he can't stand to do his own?

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