Lyric discussion by yeahh8675309 

I think the song is about being someone you're not vs. being the real you. He talks about the things people do out of fear of being alone or rejected. He uses scenarios that relate to being someone you're not and how he would rather be the person he is sometimes.

"But to bow down to him anyway, is better than to be alone"-- he's referring to people and what they do to fit in.

"But I would rather be alone, than pretend I feel alright"-- pretty self explanatory, but he's saying he'd rather be alone than pretend he's someone he's not.

the song could have a different meaning for everyone. the use of different scenarios could be revealing different meanings of the song. such as a ended relationship.

People find themselves in all kinds of wrong relationships (profession, love, friends) they can't get out of because of fear, habit, boredom, commitment... It's very hard and thus very brave to say NO to all that in order to start again and stay true to your own beliefs. If only everyone could do that...

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