Lyric discussion by TheLightIsMine 

(1) Breakup event. Gets dumped, goes a little nutty. Realizes he's mourning something secondary he wanted from it, not the person herself. As though it were an ego blow. She the love of his "Impossible Soul," the cynical/fearful part of him that thinks that happiness is not possible...too risky.

(2) His "angel" coaches him... the things you do for safety imprison you more than the worst outcomes you could ever experience from taking chances. Basically, the risk averse life robs you of the full experience (delight) of life.

(3) The lesson seeping into his conscience (auto-tune).

(4) Life essential beckoning...use it or lose it, champ. Snap out of the dream life you're living.

(5) Sorry I was a dick. I'm much better now. Wasn't that a lot of drama?

I agree with all your premises and think they are at least right. Below I added the thought that the "secondary" thing he wanted from it was to cover up his homosexuality. I could be way off but it is a more specific interpretation I guess.

I think TheLightIsMine is right on the money.

I love how you mapped it out. I love this song and knew I was relating to it in ways but couldn't put it together. The song is a masterpiece. I love the progression of emotions. and i love how you worded the progression. the thing i love most is the end. He realizes that he was being childish and self-centered about his loss initially. he realized there was less meaning in his emotions and what he thought of "girl." He moved on. I like how the length of the song implies that it took a long time to get...

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