Lyric discussion by m4r4k1 

Son Of A B*TCH!!! What a powerful song! I just listened to it after reading some of the comments here but seriously...didn't expect it to be SO descriptive... darn.... em's performance had me on the edge of my seat through the whole song, he put so much emotion to it i could believe he was actually crying when singing it LOL

And i really can't understand those close-minded people hating this song, it is obvious that thats just his way of letting his anger out so that let it out in a much worse way... i dont believe that anyone who got betrayed doesnt relate to this song, it's just that great need of revenge you get when you find out i guess... he could have done without the BLEEED at the end though! LOL (Whats that freakish sound at the end btw? burying her? brrrr LOL)

No putting her in the trunk it's a prequel to Bonnie and Clyde. I think people aren't hating on the song so much as hating on the fact he lied to Kim and promised her he wouldn't perform this love when he knew she was in the audience and then did while attacking a blow up doll and getting the audience to sing with him. What kind of fucked up thing is that to do to a person? And it led to her suicide attempt then he said "I hope you don't expect me to cancel any concerts...

@sebbieshores it’s not fucked up if you think about it he says she did him wrong so yea

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