Lyric discussion by beavertank 

I'm surprised no one has mentioned:

"So instead, we went ahead to fabricate a catalog of unstable elements and modicums and particles. With not zero total strangeness for brief moments which amount to nothing more than tiny fragments of a finger snap."

That's my favorite piece of the song, and seems like a pretty clear reference to subatomic physics, the idea of strangelets (basically particles with nonzero total strangeness, seriously) which exist for tiny tiny fractions of a second.

I think the song itself is definitely about the idea of human progress, "the world is a place where parts of wholes are described within an overarching paradigm of clarity and accuracy" --> Highly educated people work in very very specific fields describing small bits of the whole which we collectively assemble into an understanding.

And the bit about the strangelets and particle physics would lend itself to that interpretation too.

And the repetition of things bleeding green and seeing green would seem, to me, to be the monetization of ideas. Statues selling for huge money coupled with the idea of people "saying things much better than we ever could", i.e. writers monetizing their ideas. And finally the scientists, the particle physiscists here, seeing green: Finding ways to make money from their discoveries.

It's a song about what it is to be human and live in society.

I do believe this analogy to be spot-on.

I like this, but I'm still a little confused about the meaning of "green". For some reason, Chomsky's "colorless green ideas sleep furiously" comes to mind. "Seeing green" is also idiomatic for "feeling envy". So I feel like there might be other meanings besides money here.

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