Lyric discussion by blondweezl 

Is it possible she is singing about and to her past and present selves? The past self being a person who was more egoistic--lost, empty, living life in a meaningless, self-destructive, possibly addictive way; and the present self being more evolved physically/mentally/spiritually--more whole and healed. More like her "Higher Self" or even some sort of spirit guide, if you will, that she is choosing to surrender her Ego to, since living the old way was "a cold room where every step I took in faith betrayed me...". Misplaced faith in her Ego vs. faith in something bigger than herself. Now she wants to live up to the guidance of her Higher Self or spirit or whatever ("...are you an angel?...I only hope that I won't disappoint you...").

Yet she acknowledges that even tho' she caused her own downfall, she still sometimes misses/is haunted by parts of her old self and her old way of life (...and I don't understand, how the touch of your hand, how I would be the one to fall.... I miss the little things, I miss everything about you). This all leads to a bit of an identity crisis: "Who are you?", she asks herself repeatedly, as she crosses the line into a new way of living, a new identity.

Still, when all things are considered, the old existence "doesn't mean much" except that it cracked her open and gave her the humility that led to her "sweet surrender" where all she has to give is her old self/Ego, casting off old beliefs that didn't work, so she can become her true, higher, more angelic self. This seems to fit with the theme of the video as well; but, of course, I have no idea what was really going on in her head when she wrote it. I don't know if what I've just written will make sense to anyone else. Nonetheless, this is how I like to think of the song.

blondweezl’s interpretation is exactly what I got out of it. There is the cold, old, dead life before ran by the Ego which has died for the new Higher Self life guided by the Self (her-self) Higher Self of which coming as she is and surrendering to is her only option and possibility at this point in her road.

@blondweezl I'm still looking to understand this song so I am open.But I am open while at the same time asking questions. Sarah's music often touches on spiritual ideas. But she also try's hard to be transparent and down to earth at the same time. I can not saythat your interpretation is inaccurate but some of the lines here seem to be directly to another human being that she seems to care for and yet fear letting down. It however is plausible to say that the song may have more than one meaning. I see the song as Her...

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