Lyric discussion by GoodManBadSerf 

Mayhaps, you came into this with a bias fueled by your own lack of education and misinformed take on the subject of Socialism/Communism, and therefor could never be relied upon to give the meaning of this song, as is apparent in your claim of this song being representative of fascism hiding behind anti-fascism -(so you either have to be pro-fascist or you're a fascist, eh?) I think what you right wingers mean to tell us is that we are to believe only you lot when you proclaim that you are not the fascists, a heritage that is unfortunately (for your ilk) inextricable from your politics. It seems you conservative types have perverted the term amongst your circles to the extent that you've forgotten that the term "fascism" denotes a system of governance that requires a list of criteria be met. That it doesn't simply denote someone who is pro-government or pro social reform, i.e anyone on the left. And besides all that, if heart disease is the price to pay, you're willing to pay it? Either you mean you're willing to have the less fortunate pay it (typical), or you're simply an idiot. Blackemma, I think you have the right idea about the song/album...for the most part, but I've heard the Manics be as often critical as anything else concerning the Labour Party, and I think regardless they are still anarchists at their core. It is not impossible to hold the one view whilst putting selective support behind a political party. As is often the case with the Manics, you have several themes covered in a song, and subsequently if you were take every comment from "my nothing" to "ramshotel" and combine them, you'd have the meaning of the song. Pretty cool how that almost always works out. This is a very intellectual band, and I think one of the more important bands in music history.

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