Lyric discussion by cmlegnax 

lucifer was on his was to tell god that his love for us was not good and he was chased thrilled and altered for it. he caused damaged. he was used to loosing. lost to 'the undoing'. to the pure one, god, to loose - to win does not compare. lucifer thought god had great style, he admired him but will survive anyway. please please the place we're in now - he's in hell

just like with certain other interpol songs this song is beautiful and very very dark. hence the brilliant and amazing song least that is was this song means to me. what else can be as beautiful and dark as a song about god/satan? M

i have to add that it bring tears to my eyes. a song that sways the heart. M

@ cmlegnax That is the most amazing definition of a song I have ever heard here on song or ever in fact, and I created an account on here just to tell you this. You gave a very deep take on what you feel the song means and it makes perfect sense. I had no idea what the song meant, but after reading your take on it, it actually seems to make sense. If the song really is about that, then this is an even greater song then it already is. It's a very raw, dark, powerful song. The lyrics...

that's exactly what came to mind !

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