Lyric discussion by deathhound7 

I have a LOT of trouble with lyrics . . . but like you all said, this is incredibly straight-forward. Hell, the title and the knowledge of Draiman's heritage gives it all a way. Im a little surpried that after ten years, this is the first time that they've written about this.

Back in the hay-day of the Ku Klux Klan, and before the United States entered World War 2, racism was more prevalent, and white supremacists groups enjoyed a booming membership. It's great that this is a nation of so many cultures, unfortunately the friction between clashing cultures is like pouring gasoline on the fires of racism.

Liberal civil rights movements, along with the slow process of integration have helped make racism much more unpopular. The Holocaust was one of worst things that have ever happened in the history of mankind, it shocked the world. Around the this time, part of Hitler's propaganda campaign was to display the atrocities of whites against blacks in the U.S. Around the time that T.Vs were getting to be more popular, MLK jr was conducting demonstrations of non-violent civil disobedience. Mob mentality makes people even uglier. People got a new mirror to watch themselves in, see what kind of dicks they were.

Society was changing, the KKK and other groups were being shown as the hate-mongers that they were, and still are. To maintain any kind of membership, they've had to market themselves publicly in a whole new way, they had to water down the violence. Now they spew their hatred behind closed doors and try to tell the world that all they are trying to do is "preserve their heritage". One of the big hurdles, especially for Neo-Nazi groups, is the Holocaust - an even so disgustingly horrific, it should appall most of anyone. Their solution? Deny it all happened, try to convince people that the world is run by Jews and that history is forged . . . and that your great-grandfathers are all lying about what they say, or what they went through themselves.

I participated in an online debate with one of these holocaust deniers. They're nuts, unreasonable. Any facts are information you try to through at them will be ignored. You can't argue with the truly stupid. They will defeat you with their stupidity.

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