Lyric discussion by oceanphoenix 

It's about trying to make it in this world, trying to work, pay the bills, fend for yourself, be successful. She's a "modern girl" she has been raised in a culture that told her she can do anything she wants but it's still so overwhelming to think about. I think almost anyone in America can relate. Working for this and that, constatly making to-do lists, thinking of your "next move" in the plan. It's a never ending struggle. Sometimes it just makes you want to crawl into a hole and run away from it all because it seems like no matter what you're always going to be broke, or not at the place you want to be. So why not just stay in bed, make your home all cozy and never leave? Give up your problematic relationship, that Mexico vacation you wanted to take, give up all your dreams of seeing the world and doing all the things you wanted to do, your "bucket list" (like traveling or watching French films). Because the real world is fucking scary, you know? But you can't admit that. Even though we all feel that way sometimes.

I love the chorus because it's so true. Won't it be nice in a way when we are old and everything on our to-do list will be done? We'll have completed our education, career, family, saved all the money we're going to save, do all the things we're going to do. And there will be nothing left to worry about.

Rilo Kiley is a Los Angeles based band and having grown up in California myself I relate to the last part a lot. If you're a Californian and you travel to other states you'll get people who tell you that California is about to fall apart. An earthquake is coming that will break it into pieces. The immigrants are going to tear down the economy. The societal morals are disningrating to nothing. The fires will burn down Southern California. It's a black hole, basically. It's going to suck itself up into nothing. A disaster waiting to happen. California is also a place where what you are doing, and how successful you are is on everyone's minds. There is a lot of cultural pressure there to be doing something. To have a good job, lifestyle, etc. To be as close to perfect is possible. I think she sounds overwhelmed in this song. So California is a black hole? Well okay then, fine. Take me. I'm sick of the hamsterwheel. I want off. I'm ready to go.

I think a lot of it is that feeling that -- even before you start -- "grown-up life" seems so exhausting (even the supposedly fun stuff like Mexico) that you're looking forward to finishing it all up and resting, even though the finish line is death (which actually seems more pleasant and relaxing to her at the moment than bills, learning world trade, etc.).

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