Lyric discussion by bonita1 

This songs about looking at someones motivations behind their actions... Yeah it is messed up but I know exactly what it means. If the guy in the relationship hits her, its because hes angry about something, which means that he had to care about something to begin with to hit her in the first place, his violence - however negative it is and wrong - is a passionate action of how much he loves her and cares for her. for such a strong emotion to be evoked in a man to the point where he lashes out on her.. well he must feel strongly for her.

You're right that it's a passionate action, and that he's feeling strong emotion. But caring about "something" and caring about her are very different things. It sounds like he cares about having her as his possession; about having control over her; not about her well-being or her feelings. And if all her experience of love and relationships is abusive, then that might feel like love and caring for her-- but it's very different from having someone care about her happiness and safety.

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