Lyric discussion by glueckeliglykelig25 

For me it seems like a broke-up, because one of the persons wasn't able to commit a relationship (kind of phobic "Stay out of love until you're ready, stay out of it 'cause it scares you"). The lyrical "I" and that person had a relationship, but latter simply wasn't able to show his/her love and always ran away , maybe even cheated on her/him."I don't want to feel like I don't have a future" The lyrical "I" apparently loves him/her , but at the same time he/she knows that it is useless being together as the other one simply is not able. But the lyrical I seems to be in a double bind as it doesn't "want to feel like it is an end of a summer", but it knows that the realationship will not make her/ him happy. It sounds as if they have just separated and that they are still close to each other and maybe it is even not the first time that they have separated .But " Let's not fall back to sleep like we used to" shows that they denied the truth while being together and that they should not come together anymore like "Let's not make the same mistake again". The second stanza explains the same for me. The city reminds the lyrical I of him/her and it is "thirsty", thirsty after love which he/ she never got from that person. Anyway, it is hurt by his/her behaviour and cannot "go back". So "it is impossible"... "your love is something i cannot remember" because this love was never there! How to remember something that it never felt??? Maybe the unable person is once ready for love but" there's a first time and a second time" it has got to hold on, but in a way the person still seems to be attached to the lyrical " I"and vise versa. It has a new chance ( a new love) now, a chance the unable person always promised, but actually he/ she never changed. the person might have problems with the new situation (seeing that his "love" is in a new relationship the person never was capable to) . In a manner he/she loved the lyrical I , but he/ she was not capable to bear the closeness. So the lyrical "I" wants him/her to "stay out of love until it is ready" and then "It will still find his love outside the public library" . "your love " is the lyrical "I" itself as the "still" indicates and when he/she is ready it can happen to him/her...happen to love the lyrical I that before felt like "the others". So for me the song is about a love that seems to be impossible ,because one of the persons is unable to commit a relationship and the impossible makes life for both difficult . Nevertheless there is some hope left in the end that the person changes and that they can be together again.

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